Alfred Magongwa, the principal of Turf High, is facing financial desperation in the TV soap opera Skeem Saam. The show portrays him as constantly needing money, with his bank account in arrears. Furthermore, Magongwa is avoiding someone who has been persistently calling him. The reason behind these financial struggles is unclear, leading viewers to speculate on Magongwa’s actions.

One possible explanation for Magongwa’s financial troubles is that he obtained his position as principal through unlawful means. It is speculated that he made promises to bribe the individual who led the hearing and investigation that resulted in Jacobeth Thobakgale’s termination as principal. If this is true, Magongwa’s current struggles could be seen as payback for his previous actions.

These events raise questions about Magongwa’s integrity and character. Viewers are left wondering what he does with his salary, as he continually finds himself borrowing money and falling behind on payments. The identity of the person calling him, who he is actively avoiding, adds to the mystery surrounding his financial situation.

In summary, Skeem Saam portrays Alfred Magongwa as a principal facing financial desperation. He is constantly in need of money, with his account in arrears, and is avoiding someone who has been persistently calling him. The source of his financial problems is unclear, but there is speculation that his current situation is tied to obtaining his position through unlawful means. These events raise questions about Magongwa’s integrity and how he manages his finances.

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