The performance in the recent game fell below the standards set by our team, Banyana Banyana, as compared to our games at the 2023 FIFA World Cup. It is possible that the players felt pressure, especially given our 1-0 deficit from the first leg in Nigeria.

This may have led them to play more cautiously in the second leg, when they were expected to be more aggressive. It seemed like they were playing not to concede, rather than playing to their full potential.

This was disappointing for all of us, and we need to reflect on what went wrong. Sustaining success is challenging, especially after a strong performance like the one at the 2023 World Cup.

There are inevitably moments of disappointment, such as our failure to qualify for the 2024 Olympics. Questions have been raised about the players, including captain Refiloe Jane, who returned from injury to play in these crucial games.

It was evident that she was not at her full potential, which affected the team’s performance. It’s important to remember that success in sports is not always consistent, and failure is a part of the process.

We must use these setbacks to reflect, improve, and strive for better outcomes in the future.

By admin

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